Monday, September 14, 2020

World hooked on social Media!

 Social Networking sites like facebook, twitter and myspace are a wonderful tool for keeping in contact with friends and family or even reconnecting with an old friend and keeping up with whats going on with your favort celebritys. and now todays advertisers are using social media to reach a mass audiences. If you think about that it’s a scary thought.

Are we starting to take social network a little bit to far and are we now living in a world that is hooked on social networking? i seem to think that we i be leave that we are now living in a world ware people are hooked on social network.
Sites like facebook, myspace and Twitter you can upload to them right from your cell phone just by sending a text message, or using one of the mobile apps out there for the sites. do you really need to make a post to your facebook friends when your out with your friends? i have even know some people to post on facebook awile they are on a date!

Come on now people i don’t think its going to kill you not to login for a few days. So you dont post for a few days its not like the social media are going any ware any time. soon, they are hear to stay so stay off of them for a few days. I’m sure you will find there is a lot more to life then spending it like a zombie stairing at the computer screen and readying about how miley cyrus was caught smoking weed. 

A little inspiration

 I know everything right now in your life may seem hard. Let me say you need to put your faith in god. Let his presents be your light. To guide you to ware you need to be.

No matter what your going though right now always remember it’s just a little bump in the road on your way to ware you need to be.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

By thankful for law enforcement!

 I think everyone needs to calm down and relax about things that are going on now a days. Stop and think about the things that you charge doing before you go out and take it apron yourself to take the law into your own hands. Let me be the first to tell you that without law enforcement we would be screwed, you don’t realize just how much they do for us on a daily basis.

We all take effort granted everything they do. The fact that they put there lives on the line on a daily basis for a complete stranger that turns around and spits in there face. Yet they still smile and tell you to have a nice day, call if you need us again. Don’t you dare call them the bad guys. It’s you that needs to take a good long hard look in the mirror and realize just how much of an ass hole you are.

They could just as easily turn there backs and walk away, they could leave you stranded in that burning building, or let that robbery happen. That’s not what they do. They are heroes that don’t ask to be thanked or praised for the thinks that they do. It’s there job. When they put on that uniform they know they made a promise to uphold the law to the best of there abilities. That’s just what they do.

Just because there are a few bad ones out there it gives you no right to blame everyone. Let me be the first to say their are more good ones out there then bad ones.

When you here the news only talking about the bad things that they do and hardly about the good. I understand that it can from a bad picture in your mind about the police. When you stand to doubt that there are any good ones. Think back to a time when you hand to call the police. They rushed right over to help you. It might not have been in your favor but they did the best they could. Do them a favor and say think you and smile it could really make there day.

World hooked on social Media!

 Social Networking sites like facebook, twitter and myspace are a wonderful tool for keeping in contact with friends and family or even reco...